It's time for another truck driving song. The whole Flip-Side family just completed a 3500 mile drive through two countries and, despite being forced to commandeer a mundane blue mini-van, felt quite truckerish the whole trip. We ate beef jerky, drank bad coffee, got a trucker's tan (left arm only), contemplated buying a trucker's buddy and wistfully wished I had a CB handle like my road weary brethren.
And so it is, we have a truck driving song. In this installment of SOTW, we get legendary guitarist and all around good guy, Bill Kirchen delivering to us some kick ass truck driving music. And it's live, like it should be. The song is the Del Reeves number, Looking At The World Through A Windshield, and under Kirchen's "master of the telecaster" approach, the number gets a massive dose of guitar steroids as Kirchen tells the tale of a second generation truck driver who watches the world pass by on the right.
Astute music historians may recognize Bill Kirchen from the ground breaking road house group, Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen which put out some fine music in the early 70's out of the San Francisco area. Since then Kirchen has been (for the most part) Washington DC-based and a formative figure, along with Danny Gatton and Roy Buchannan, in making our Capitol City thee Telecaster town in the USA.
Enjoy our SOTW, always keep an eye out for the bear on your tail and the smokey in the air. Over and out good buddies. This is Snuggly Bear, saying see you on the flip-side.
that is some hot guitar work from my old buddy.